This article is Part 2 in a 5-Part Series.

Part 1 explains eris files; the command for working with IPFS.

Part 2 highlights additional IPFS integrations in the Eris stack.

##Part 1: eris files

Hello IPFS

With IPFS running as a service, access IPFS

eris files

Add a file to IPFS

eris files put [fileName]

It’s hash is returned and you can now view its contents through either your nodes’ webui or through the gateway.

Download a file from IPFS

eris files get [fileHash] [fileName]

where [fileName] is a new file name for the contents, to be saved in your working directory.

Want to keep the file around as an IPFS object? (otherwise it’ll garbage collect)

eris files cache [hash]

All that caching you did, what files are hanging around?

eris files cached

Look inside a recusively added directory

eris files ls [objectHash]

There you have it; eris files in five commands.

##Other IPFS integrations in the Eris stack

###import/export service definition files from/to IPFS

eris services import/export

This is useful for sharing custom service definition files.


The mint client is used for managing eris:db chains.
Dump the chain state to IPFS

mintdump dump --ipfs

returns an IPFS hash on stdout

Restore a chain

mintdump restore [new_chain_name] --ipfs="fileHash"

where fileHash is the output from dump.